PITA 008
Gaming keeps us sane:
Quarantine Resources - quarantine
How do you handle product interviews/questions with people in the product space who already know all of the tricks?
It can be a positive - you can get more relevant info and skip some of the preliminaries
Get rid of structure - just get them to talk, and their human side will come through, their real thoughts
Getting the value prop can be especially hard in this case
Get them to tell you stories about what they have gone through, not what they want
Ask the same question different ways
Ask the colleagues of the product person as well
We know they know but they don’t know that we know they know - reminded me of FRIENDS
Developing or maintaining my Personal brand (speaking, writing) when employed
Negotiate as a group if the structure is too rigid. But read your contract carefully if it has intellectual property clauses
Check internal processes and sign-off requirements
Find events that aren’t related to your company
Start speaking internally on the topic
What does radical Product work look like? (influence on society, not just individual users)
Try working for charity, gov’t, s-corp or b-corp with social elements to the mission
Focus on the service design
Focus on using product thinking to the org structure and senior management approaches
Review the company mission, value, etc - does this have the right focus? Use that to flow through
Coaching and mentoring others
Ghandi: "be the change you want to see in the world"
What data do you have and how can you use it? Invisible Women book
Abolish Silicon Valley: How to Liberate Technology from Capitalism
Any ideas on user acquisition strategies for Voice products (Alexa skill, Google Home apps, etc.)
Does voice enhance the experience? For Whisky, can you add a prompt to the bottle to start a tasting?
Make sure it has a real use case
We’d love to see Google’s statistics on how many people say ‘Stop, Google!’ or ‘Stupid Google!’ (or Siri, or Alexa…)
It has to replace another habit
Super lean product Discovery tips and best practices to do by yourself (without an UX etc experts)
User Story Mapping - https://jpattonassociates.com/story-mapping-quick-ref/
Do extra research, competitor analysis, read reviews of competitors
Timebox it - it can be endless
Ship something, anything