PITA 016


TOPIC 1: Tips for preparing notes / take aways  from user interviews. Is it usual to spend a half day or more writing up the notes?

  • Rev.com & Otter.ai for transcriptions

  • YES, timing is appropriate and worth it

  • NO, that’s too much time to spend per interview

  • 2x length of interview seems appropriate

  • Pulling out quotes and doing affinity mapping is tedious

  • 2 people minimum per interview, pull key quotes during the chat

  • Bullet points at the top of the doc to know what you’re looking for

  • Use templates for note-taking

  • Dovetail: The user research platform for teams / User research qualitative data analysis – Dovetail

  • Focus your notes on KEY things - patterns as we said, or surprises. But also take more notice of how people behave rather than just what they say.

  • Trello & JTBD framework is useful for organising notes

  • I really encourage you to get more people in the loop of these interviews. I do these together with UX/UI/Devs and we make notes in forms of post its (Miro) together. You can later easily cluster them into bigger topics. And another advantage: people are already in the loop, and the discussions around these interviews is super valid (lots of great ideas come from there)

  • The concept of learning velocity to measure research customer and the Delta-Next - a quick reflection exercise to help keep learning velocity visualised (introduced by Jeff Patton at #mtpcon Digital 2020 - his talk on Dual Track Development)

TOPIC 2: A PM portfolio - how have these worked for people?

  • Didn’t work for me, as the work was either confidential or semi-privileged; Testimonials and listing achievements is a good alternative

  • LinkedIn can work as your portfolio - adding projects and media, case studies 

  • A personal site is also really useful

TOPIC 3: Any tips from practice on creating and growing the PM consulting / freelancing / coaching market in your countries?

TOPIC 4: Any tools you just love and why?


PITA 017


PITA 015