PITA 024

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ICEBREAKER: Recommend a movie/TV show for the holidays!

Tips/gotchas from the field for setting OKRs when it’s the first time your org is trying out OKRs

  • Q1 will be wrong. Don’t worry about it.

TOPIC 2: New Year’s Resolution: what are you going to START (or STOP) doing in 2021?

  • Eat more veggies

  • Thinking of my career as a product

  • Find a way to go into conversations assuming best intentions, understand motivations better - so i can be less defensive

  • Stop trying to change people who aren’t going to change - pick other battles, ones with a chance of success

  • Keep count of meetings where i’m NOT interrupting people, to make sure I listen to people

  • Introduce silent meetings to one of my clients

  • Put more things on paper

  • Do more things asynchronously 

  • Invest more time in challenging ‘This isn’t measurable’ statements

TOPIC 3: Tips on how to influence without ‘telling’ a young team, with lots of opinions and no real metrics!  

  • Workshops & discussions with the team

  • Prioritise - avoid ‘change whiplash’

  • Play (good) mind games - ask questions so that they figure it out, rather than telling them what to do directly

  • Coaching towards a process 

  • Help them figure out where to have processes; co-create a checklist for making decisions

  • Reframe opinions as hypotheses, then test

  • 15% solutions from Liberating Structures also helps  people to identify what they can control/change themselves

  • A great activity to get people to come up with solutions is From Obstacles to Outcomes / Resources: 15-minute FOTO

  • Hofstede is the daddy of cultural power distance work / Hofstede Insights Organisational Culture

TOPIC 4: Biggest Product Management Failure/learning in 2020

  • Get a good sponsor/stakeholder

  • Generic terminology (like wireframe, prototype, etc) WILL be misinterpreted/interpreted differently across the org

    • MVP

    • DevOps

    • Product Management

    • MVP+, whatever the heck that is

  • Summarising meetings is amazing - but I can’t be the designated scribe for other people’s meetings

  • Be intentional and active when training people - don’t assume

  • Missed out on someone getting to a burn out stage - be more careful, do more 1:1s, take care of your people

  • Don’t make assumptions about what someone’s dealing with - ask, support

  • Invite your stakeholders to your user research sessions


PITA 025


PITA 023