PITA 024
ICEBREAKER: Recommend a movie/TV show for the holidays!
TOPIC 1: Tips/gotchas from the field for setting OKRs when it’s the first time your org is trying out OKRs
Q1 will be wrong. Don’t worry about it.
Introduce at the top the first time. Add other teams later
Make sure you have metrics
4 key lessons I've learned about OKRs | by Richard McLean | Medium
Duration - set what makes sense for you
OKRs At The Center: How to use goals to drive ongoing change and create the organization you want by Natalija Hellesoe, Sonja Mewes
Deliverables can be KRs
Measure What Matters: OKRs: The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth, John Doerr
Start with a North Star - or figure it out
Start small - just one. Don’t try to do too many at first
TOPIC 2: New Year’s Resolution: what are you going to START (or STOP) doing in 2021?
Eat more veggies
Thinking of my career as a product
Find a way to go into conversations assuming best intentions, understand motivations better - so i can be less defensive
Stop trying to change people who aren’t going to change - pick other battles, ones with a chance of success
Keep count of meetings where i’m NOT interrupting people, to make sure I listen to people
Introduce silent meetings to one of my clients
Put more things on paper
Do more things asynchronously
Invest more time in challenging ‘This isn’t measurable’ statements
TOPIC 3: Tips on how to influence without ‘telling’ a young team, with lots of opinions and no real metrics!
Workshops & discussions with the team
Prioritise - avoid ‘change whiplash’
Play (good) mind games - ask questions so that they figure it out, rather than telling them what to do directly
Coaching towards a process
Help them figure out where to have processes; co-create a checklist for making decisions
Reframe opinions as hypotheses, then test
15% solutions from Liberating Structures also helps people to identify what they can control/change themselves
A great activity to get people to come up with solutions is From Obstacles to Outcomes / Resources: 15-minute FOTO
Hofstede is the daddy of cultural power distance work / Hofstede Insights Organisational Culture
TOPIC 4: Biggest Product Management Failure/learning in 2020
Get a good sponsor/stakeholder
Generic terminology (like wireframe, prototype, etc) WILL be misinterpreted/interpreted differently across the org
Product Management
MVP+, whatever the heck that is
Summarising meetings is amazing - but I can’t be the designated scribe for other people’s meetings
Be intentional and active when training people - don’t assume
Missed out on someone getting to a burn out stage - be more careful, do more 1:1s, take care of your people
Don’t make assumptions about what someone’s dealing with - ask, support
Invite your stakeholders to your user research sessions