PITA 029
ICEBREAKER: Word Wall spinny wheel
TOPIC 1: What do you do when your leadership f**k up?
Pick your moments
And pick your battles
Support YOUR team and prepare them for change if you decide to leave
TOPIC 2: Onboarding a direct report to take over YOUR individual contributor PdM duties: tips to let go of your “baby”?
Rip the BandAid - make intros and initial handover, then step away COMPLETELY. Scheduled check-ins are OK, tho.
Give them permission to call you on your BS. They are explicitly allowed to say GO AWAY to you
Timebox your involvement and do the OTHER work on your plate
Esther Derby video: https://twitter.com/adrianh/status/1147107312244613121
Onboard them to the product vision, then hand it over
TOPIC 3: Tips or people/books to follow regarding designing for developers/internal tooling
Map the problems that you’re solving for to the company’s success
Managing Internal Tools - Emily Patterson on The Product Experience
Follow your users everywhere - you actually can!
But be careful of the bias that this brings - build for everyone
Product Tank London - February 2021: Internal Product Management
Check out Microsoft resources on inclusive design. Ask “who are we unintentionally excluding here?”
TOPIC 4: Convincing people to care about customer’s success - not using themselves as proxies for the customer
Google’s HEART framework How to Use the Google HEART Framework to Improve UX / Keeping Track Of Your HEART - Tomer Sharon on The Product Experience
Will change alienate customers? What will the benefit be to customers?
What metrics will be used to sign it off?
Can you bring counter examples where people were able to flip “certain” assumptions
Who are they building the product for?
Are they really at the root cause of what is wrong with it?
Spend the development budget on what the market wants, and remind them what the market looks like
Classic User testing, A/B testing, user interviews in real world
Get them to actually interview users, potentially via a different context (slightly subversive approach)
a/b testing in production
Can people be given 10% time to do their research/dev