PITA 031
TOPIC 1 - Recruitment and retention: how are you doing it well right now?
They need to perceive progression
Recruit within the network
Look at the culture and people who are staying vs who is leaving - any root causes for staying or leaving
Flexibility options are a big winner
Is the tech stack appealing?
Take another look at the job ads - are they boring?
Best job advert: https://archive.is/aL7rt
TOPIC 2 - Ways to manage "strong" personalities - outspoken people in the team with really strong opinions that not everyone else appreciates
Try to get the challenging people to recognise the value of hearing more diverse voices- warn them in advance that you will call on the quieter people if loud people dominate
Restrict feedback for 24 hours
Run a ‘Thinking Round’ - no interruptions, everyone contributes, then move on
Model good behaviour - and reward it with your attention/approvals.
Say ‘Thank you, PERSON, but i’d really like to hear from [other person]’
Get it Right / Get it Done/ Get Along / Get Credit / -diagnose the personality type/motivtion
Capture and reward good behaviour
Liberating Structures - 1/2/4/All Liberating Structures Menu
Thinking Time Slack app Introducing ThinkingTime. Introduction | by Josh Elman | Medium
TOPIC 3: Making the transition to Freelance PM - why did you do it, would you do it again, why did you stop?
By accident! Yes, if I didn’t find a job I liked, and because i found a job I liked
Hard to make a lasting impact/brave decisions and pick up context as a freelancer
You don’t get stuck somewhere you don’t want to be
No job is actually permanent - you can always leave if it doesn’t work out as expected
Working with startups, sometimes they can’t afford you fulltime
TOPIC 4: Tips for fostering an environment where there is greater engagement, collaboration, and discussion of the backlog within a software dev team / How to encourage collaboration within product teams in a remote setting?(Cameras off,etc)
Is this really a problem? Are we getting results even with this environment?
Put people in a situation where they are expected to contribute (ie, a User Story Mapping session)
Add in social interactions by design so people see each other as humans more - Donut, team intros, etc
Set expectations for contributions and participation; build it into meeting structures - but cater to introvert’s styles
How psychologically prepared are people for yet another call WTI Pulse Report Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks
TOPIC 5: How do I recover from programme prioritisation burnout?
Get more hands on - change what you’re doing - to recover & reset
Run a retro with senior product people & stakeholders -what did other people think worked and didn’t? How can they help to make it better next time?