PITA 035
ICEBREAKER: Cards Against Agility
TOPIC 1: Ideas for ways to "claim" ownership over product with very old school command & control CEOs with zero product mindset
Case studies, gentle nudging
Starting vs scaling - the role of a founder changes
Do you WANT to work with these folks?
Consensus: uh, NO
Try to get them to focus on success and outcome definitions instead of specs
TOPIC 2: What's stopping your team from succeeding?
Noise - lack of consistency, changes in strategy/priority/focus
Communication - having to re-explain how we got to conclusions/justify the work/hypothesis - fear of committing to build
People are not motivated to build - they don’t believe in the strategy
Too much debt (product, tech, etc)
Psychological safety - worried about their role, commercial standing
Stakeholder alignment (lack of)
Lack of direction/ownership
Biz stakeholders don’t care about product/craft - they care about results in the short term // DONE is done before it’s done
Working with Procurement (they can (inadvertently) prevent good work even when all other parties are aligned)
Inexperienced team
TOPIC 3: What do you wish product leaders (Heads, etc) had done to help you in your role?Giving me the chance to prove i can handle complex things - they challenged me
Start the relationship with trust, not distrust
Bad - not having a compelling vision for the product & the practice
Model the behaviours for success in the org
Defining the roles & skills needed, career dev, mentoring & training
Supporting the development of the right relationships
Positivity - developing products can be joyful. Find the joy for the team
Curating for each person
TOPIC 4 -What (if anything) completely changed your approach to Product work?
Cenydd Bowles - Future Ethics: “The idea that a rank-and-file technologist can change the culture of a large firm, let alone the industry, reminds me of a lovesick teenager’s desperate attempts to heal a difficult partner: a generous but ultimately doomed act that saps emotional energy”.
Gaining patience & perspective 🙂
Sitting in on my first user research session
Letting go of perfection & ownership, embracing and seeking change
Being user-centred but also apply a commercial lens
Being able to step back and watch personal dynamics in meetings
Just because other people can’t see it yet, doesn’t mean that it’s wrong
Dolly Parton quote - “Find out who you are and do it on purpose,”
Getting a coach
Speak to users to learn, not to convince