PITA 056

How to teach the rest of the org what Product does?

  • Align to goals from the org, then work as a facilitator/enabling function

  • Make sure you have a clear remit and a senior champion

  • Be honest with the team that you’re hiring in to do this work - they need to be both Product and Change Agents

  • Double-check with the people who are allies - what do they think Product is? Or for?

  • Create open/group forums for prioritisation discussions - bring everyone in to the discussions

  • Be clear that this isn’t about being in charge, but about fostering better outcomes (and outputs/outcomes)

  • Share videos (from mindtheproduct.com or similar) - but not ones that make product feel like a magic cult

  • Use their language, not the product buzzwords - what we do is just good management practice, same as what everyone else does

  • Run an anti-problem session: what does the worst version of Product Management look like?

How to get people comfortable with story telling

  • Pixar’s story structure

  • Jeff Veen’s talk at MtP

  • Toolkit — Donna Lichaw

  • Practice, practice, practice

  • Motivation mapping - understand what the audience needs. WIIFM? (what’s in it for me?)

  • Documentary storytelling approach can work, too

  • Perspective - what are they not seeing? Do they know how their thing fits into the bigger picture?

  • Use the examples from users/customers as an enabler - bring people into the synthesis

Front Doors and change request processes: dealing with stakeholders

  • Alignment on risk can be difficult - create a mechanism to have good discussions on this

  • Be clear about responsibility for Triage - who’s responsible, and how quickly

  • Be able to articulate how things align (or don’t!) to organisational priorities - and get people to self-sort into those buckets. (But police it, so no one cheats to get their pet project approved!)

  • Get them to commit as well - money, time, support. If it’s so important, you need to commit as much as we do to make it happen.


PITA 057


PITA 055