PITA 012
We tried to stick to a theme this week, of being the change you want to see in the world.
What have you, your team or your company done to address inequality? Or others that have done it well?
Charity that employs people affected by the issue, who don’t get enough opportunities
Recruitment: prioritise diversity
University mentoring
Anonymising job applications - remove names, backgrounds so that everyone gets the same chance
Published pay bands - see HIRE WOMEN, by Debbie Madden
DIverse hiring panels
Understand how you’ve failed, and review how to get better
Scrutinise internal referral programmes - hide it from the interview process as a start
You’ve joined a company for the “cause” of what it’s doing. But that starts to change. How do you manage this best?
Be open and transparent about concerns - the org is likely going to try to keep you
If you’re doing everything you can to improve things, give it 6 - 8 months and then leave (if you’re in a position to); advice adapted from Gibson Biddle
Push management for an open dialogue on the issue(s)
See if you have allies amongst your colleagues; take collective action
If you decide to leave, be honest about why in your exit interview
Change your role, or change your role
Defining a code of ethics for product leaders. Should we? How would we?
Start from don’t be evil - supporting a good customer experience. And live up to at least that credo.
Would your customer - or the end customer for B2B2C - be comfortable with the discussion and the decision? (Elena Astilleros)
Define which industries/fields you’re not comfortable working in or with
Think about what’s the worst possible way that this could be used? (DESIGNING FOR ASSHOLES article, The Black Mirror Test - Roisi Proven on The Product Experience podcast)
Look at the highest possible regulatory standard - don’t just rely on personal (subjective) ethics
How do you evaluate/measure socially responsible products/companies?
Social ROI
Social Value UK Guidance and Standards
This is really hard to do - measuring impacts is the key, but it’s not easy
Media ratings are often based on diary studies - why do we treat this as definitive, but not charity impacts?