PITA 013

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Putting together the Quarterly Roadmap: who should you involve? How in depth should you go?

  • Depends - do you already have the longer roadmap in place?

  • Do a stakeholder mapping exercise - anyone who will be impacted or surprised by it.  Use a Stakeholder Onion or Interest & Influence 2x2 matrix.  

  • Effort vs Impact maps for each business area, then sythesize and review.

  • Anyone who will be doing the work

  • Stakeholders and/or their representatives

  • Never be afraid of overcommunicating

  • What stage are you at? Is it prioritisation & organisation, or in an earlier stage?


Preferred learning style in lockdown - short classes, self-paced, half/day or full-day? Groups or on your own

  • Short article, short video, repeat, homework, then a 1-hour session (Imperial design thinking course)

  • Nano-degree, using a book club model - solo

  • Be conscious of time zones and time commitments - 5 hour lecture marathons suck

  • Practical beats theory

  • Include Q&A - interaction is key

  • Buddy system/study group - have someone to work with between sessions, also adds in accountability - force them into it.

  • Hard to cut out half-day or more of focused time right now. 90 minutes commitment is about the top

  • Short and Async is good.  Specific scheduled blocks OK.

  • Long classes, self-directed don’t work as well

  • 3 x 90 minutes sessions, some homework (one plan for internal), some feedback on suggested topics

  • To keep it interactive - use the chat function - eg ask people to quickly jot an answer to a question and you can read the responses - keeps people engaged.   

  • Re pairing - in zoom you can pre-pair people off and send them to breakout rooms to work together

  • Daily blocks with scheduled q&as as lean coffee style

  •  consider recording sessions for viewing later


Marketing team - friend or foe? :) Or best ways to work together without the feeling of “us” and “them”. Long topic: marketing vs product lead company… -

  • Is there a Product Marketing function?

  • Ask Marketing to nominate one person per week to be the key contact, attend meetings, etc

  • Jeff Patton’s MTP Hamburg  talk - use this approach to align teams better (adding an extra column to the scrum board that means that the teams need to align on outcomes)

  • Consider a service design process

  • Get your vision and outcomes aligned to create better relationships

  • At roadmap/strategy stage, ask: What can I market? Use that as the basis for conversations, project management, etc

  • Have MKTG as user testing observers/note takers


Tips for product discovery - 30/60/90 days in a new product domain + role

30/60/90 plans are doomed to fail - they will change

  • Talk to 3 types of people  customers, customer and customers

  • Don’t fall in love - or let others - with  a plan

  • Listen to your customers

  • Map customer problems, needs and what they use to solve the problem now

  • Map stakeholder’s bonusable measures/objectives

  • Set a timebox - then do a review, else it can just creep on forever

  • Start with a foundation: Are you finding new customers? New markets? New use cases?

  • Define at the outset: what does the business think success or failure looks like?

  • Challenge the definition of success and/or goals if they don’t seem right - you’re more allowed to do that since you’re new

  • Testing with Humans, by Giff Constable

  • Testing Business Ideas - Process to Reduce Innovation Risks, by David Bland (and podcast!)

  • Fail - or Learn! - Fast

  • People will tell you more, or give you permission to ask ‘dumb’ questions when you’re new. Take advantage.

  • Be generous in giving credit whenever possible.


PITA 014


PITA 012