PITA 020

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TOPIC 1: Silos and difficult stakeholders - how to deal with them

TOPIC 2: Data literacy - where to start in an organisation of mixed skills and competencies and some are afraid of the word data

  • Don’t assume anything

  • People who are Subject Matter Experts in other areas may speak different ‘languages’ ut have simpler philosophies and wants - just different frameworks

  • Engage them in things that solve their problems (and yours)

  • Ask them what they want to know/measure?

  • Ask them: what does data mean to them? Don’t engage from your specific domain. Break it down for a mutual understanding

  • Tricia Wang: The human insights missing from big data | TED Talk  and her course with Matt LeMay, Integrated Data Thinking.

  • Don’t teach someone to fish if they don’t have a pole/hook/net. Make sure they have the tools and the knowledge as needed.

TOPIC 3: How do you “switch off” for small intervals during the workday, i.e. lunchbreak, especially from home?

  • Get out of the house 

  • Run

  • Shop

  • Read

  • Cook (prep lunch). Bake sourdough

  • 5-minute workouts where you don’t need workout clothes or equipment: Playlist 

  • Do an online workout (especially if live with other people)

  • Look up at the sky. Actually look!

  • Move around the house. Sit in different places

  • YinYoga.com - The Home Page of Yin Yoga

  • Turn video off for meetings when just listening and change position

  • Do NOT start online gaming

  • eat/snack in your garden/on a walk

TOPIC 4: Onboarding to a new team / part of the product - tips?

  • Start with a specific project  of fixed duration - but also create a space of demoing everything we have, delay the actual objective for a while

  • Get a view of the data

  • Customer service - incoming calls/queries

  • Test the product

  • Stakeholder formal interviews (Post a sample)

  • Talk to customers (alone or with others, ideally not with people too senior to you)

  • Go through any research/discovery on the product genesis: Why did we make this in the first place?

  • Innovation games (like Business Origami: A Method For Service Design | by Chenghan (Hank) Ke


PITA 021


PITA 019