PITA 019

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TOPIC 1: What’s (one of) the most ridiculous WTF moments you’ve faced with stakeholders or developers as a PM?

  • ‘This goes against everything we stand for, as we believe dev teams should not work together. Or talk to each other.’

  • ‘Enough analysis paralysis - when are you going to stand up and shoot?’ (when presenting that something isn’t yet ready for public consumption.)

  • 10 minutes of feedback on the fonts and presentation format. None on the content.

TOPIC 2: Tech debt and how to create incentives for tech leads towards maintainability

  • Creating more tech debt by addressing something at the wrong time - oops!

  • Openly addressing what the underlying problems are - taking time away from product work to discuss what you could do in an ideal world

  • Be clear on what the end goal of the functionality is - focus on both short and long term at all times

  • Bake in self-time to pay down debt in alternating sprints

  • Any pre-holiday sprint - when planning is screwy anyway - is given over to debt

  • Setting up principles at the start as to when you should take on debt, or how much is too much

  • Put it in economic terms - establish a contract with your counterparts

  • Gitprime & similar do code analysis to look at quality - does this need to be done?

  • best practice metrics tools around cycle times, return rates, number of production and other issues  (e.g. Plandek) - and make these metrics part of the regular catch up and priorities, lots of them are dependent on tech debt

  • Get Dev on support calls to really identify with the real problems

  • Pull in the team and allow them to come up with a plan of attack - so they own ittr

  • Redefine Velocity away from story points and towards value realised. If that slows, address the issues that stop you from delivering value

TOPIC 3: I start a new job Monday - Head of Product and inheriting multiple teams that came from acquisition - what is the best way to bring them all together and think as one product not many?

  • Start with goals

  • Start small, then scale to the bigger team

  • Start by listening, then induce change. Watch the reaction. Deal with that. Rip the band-aid off.

  • I’d speak to people separately too, gather input on what works well and what doesn’t according to them. Also identify the strong influential personalities and focus on working with them.

  • And we’ve said this before - the fact that you’re the new person can be a benefit too, use the advantage to ask more questions and bring a new perspective

  • Identify everyone’s competencies - get a benchmark, as well as their styles

  • Look at end users - what is the experience that they need? What’s working and not working?

  • Get your metrics straight: what is the problem that needs to be prioritised?

  • Do a leadership retro

  • People, processes, prioritisation and perception ; Briefing & back-briefing

  • Take them out of the work environment one on one. I find people open up more when they are outside of a working setting. If you cannot meet face to face then do a walking zoom call.

  • Futurecasting

  • User Story Mapping workshop

TOPIC 4: I have been thinking a lot about boundaries recently. Do you have experiences where you have seen great examples of setting or maintaining boundaries in or across teams?

  • Christina Wodtke, The Team that Managed Itself: A Story of Leadership

  • Alternate take: Be a dictator. Set the mission and expectations clearly. Set responsibility: you have to make *this* decision - i.e., Dev makes the architecture decision, but on a tight schedule

  • Team retros, followed by mini 1:1 retros

  • Ways of working sessions

  • Understand the history - why is it working this way?


PITA 020


PITA 018